Celebrated For:
At nine months of age, Braden became non-verbal and was diagnosed with Autism. The First Steps program helped tremendously and finally by 18 months of age, he had ear tubes put in and he began walking – and hasn’t slowed down since!
Music and equine therapy have helped Braden make tremendous strides in the growth of his vocabulary, and help develop his core muscles so he can be more active. At age 9, he is now loves sports and plays Challenger Baseball – a team for special need’s children. He is well loved by his peers at school, and has worked hard to grow his vocabulary to about 110 words!

“Braden is a loving young man who truly enjoys life and does not let obstacles hold him back! He has never met a stranger, and freely offers caring hugs to those he senses are sad or hurting in some way. Although he may have special needs, his determination and love for life overshadow any obstacles in his way. Braden is a true superstar!”