Nalah was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta and is predominantly wheelchair-bound. She is tiny in stature, BUT, boy is she MIGHTY in personality, attitude and determination!


Nalah struggles with broken bones and does not walk independently, but she manages to get around at the speed of light whenever she wants. Nothing slows this Superstar down.


She excels academically through a homeschool program and currently makes A’s and B’s on her online courses and studies despite her adversities.


Nalah is also great big sister and helps with her brothers at home and with their coursework when they are stuck or have questions.


Nalah loves cheerleading and dance, for which she participated in both up until her surgeries in 2016. She has not resumed afterwards due to recovery and then Hurricane Harvey and it’s destruction to the family home and day-to-day routines. She has her goals set to get back to it as soon as she is able. Not wanting to be still for too long though, Nalah recently signed up for Challenger League to play softball.


Nalah has a pure heart and wants to help others, whether it is helping at home, or getting to participate in the Yellow Out Campaign’s first annual Bubbles for Community event with a fellow Houston Superstar!