Condition / Challenge:

Down Syndrome

Celebrated For:

Daniel Pogue is a delightful 24 year old middle child that fills his family’s life with love, joy and pride. After they learned of Daniel’s diagnosis of Down Syndrome when he was 5 days old, they started their journey and never looked back. Thankfully, Daniel isn’t held back by many major medical circumstances. His biggest obstacle has been speech and communication. He always had so much inside that he wanted to express but lacked the language skills to communicate with others. Early on his family tried different approaches such as sign language, however Daniel persevered and developed his speaking skills! Today he can phonetically pronounce just about anything.
Daniel had many successes in mainstream school. He was in the Mighty Panther Marching Band, named student of the month in April of 2008, and was voted “friendliest male” both his freshman and sophomore years. Daniel cherishes the lifelong friendships he made while attending Alba-Golden ISD.
Daniel is an avid athlete and has a passion for team sports. This started when he joined the Alba-Golden Youth Foundation Little Dribblers league at the age of 7. He was taught the basics of basketball but much more about teamwork and cooperation. Daniel also has a fascination with sports teams and mascots. This has helped him with his memory skills as well. He knows the mascot of almost any professional, college or local team!
Daniel’s participation in Special Olympics is a major aspect of his life. He competes in the team sports of basketball, track, swimming and softball as well as individual events and relays. He is currently weight training to join a competition. He also is part of the Gym Tyler Twisters, which is a cheer/dance team. Daniel is having improved success with remembering routines, moves and position changes as well as music rhythm!
Daniel has a great love for God’s word. He has spent countless hours reading, studying and memorizing the Bible. Even though Daniel is not very vocal. he has the ability to retain and sing every word of a hymn or song! Singing about Jesus brings him and those around him abundant joy. Daniel also has the gift of prayer and compassion. Many meals have gone cold due to his lengthy, powerful prayers! He gives back to the community by visiting local nursing homes, cleaning a local church and comforting the distressed and hurting.
His family thanks God for Daniel’s sincere, forgiving and innocent spirit. Having a different ability is not holding Daniel back from learning, loving or living life. It is just a different pace and process.

“Daniel has a great love for God’s word. He has spent countless hours reading, studying and memorizing the Bible. Even though Daniel is not very vocal. he has the ability to retain and sing every word of a hymn or song!”